Several years back I had an occasion to enlist the help of my local TV consumer action reporter to aid in some business with a company that I was unable to resolve on my own. I phoned my local tv station and my call was screened by a very efficient sounding woman who told me that my complaint would be reviewed and if it were deemed interesting enough to be shown on the air I would be receiving a return phone call. She also told me they received hundreds of calls and my chances of being called back were slim to none. Within minutes I received a call from the same lady saying that her Action news team was VERY interested in speaking to me and would it be alright if the producer of the show were to call me and set up an appointment to see me later that day. I agreed. A few minutes later the phone rang again and a man's pleasant voice said "Hello, This is 'Jeb', I am the producer of the Action Reporter segment and we think your story would be something we might be able to help you with. Can I stop by your house about noon today to discuss it further?" I agreed once again. Right at 12:00 there was a knock at my door and it was "Jeb," the producer. He was tall, with brown hair a little gray around the temples, wire rimmed glasses and a moustache. He was dressed in business casual attire and had a very intellectual though kind face. His manner was friendly as he handed me some papers to sign. He asked me how long I had lived in the area. He was a good listener and seemed to encourage me to talk about myself. I was a little surprised, as today everyone seems to be in a hurry and no one takes the time to listen to a stranger, let alone seem genuinely interested. I found myself telling him things I don't usually share with just anyone. He was so easy to talk to. He told me that he had only been here a few months. He had been at another TV station somewhere else and had gotten a contract here for a couple of years. When he left I must admit I was a little excited as I was a newly divorced lady and I had not received that much positive attention in quite some time. My mind wandered to what it would be like to get to know him better. To be the girlfriend of a TV producer..I stopped myself as I knew I was being silly..after all he was a good looking man in a high profile position who could get any one he wanted. What would he want with me? I had occasion to interact a few more times with "Jeb". He called me on the phone and the conversations turned from business to personal...he wanted to know "all" about me. He emailed me several times a day and told me he was so interested in me and asked could we meet for lunch. He told me there was something about me that was special the first time he saw me. He invited me to his new house that he had just purchased. He said he was a lonely bachelor with just two dogs to keep him company. When there was a gap of a day or two between his calls or emails, I found myself missing him. I was just about to give in and make a date with him but something about his excessive interest in me just didn't make sense. Being the inquisitive type, I had to go online and check out his new place in the county records. Much to my dismay..The deed not only had his name on it but also the name of his wife, "Doreen". The deed called them "A married couple".
Looking back, I am so relieved I did not go out with him. It turned out that his wife had stayed behind in their old place to sell it while he moved here and bought a new place for her to join him in once the old house was sold. Apparently she would come down to stay a few days at a time with him which would explain the gaps in his communications with me. I must admit I was more than a little disappointed that he was trying to use me to fill the boredom until his wife moved here, as I was lonely too. Fortunately, my intuition kicked in and saved me from making a mistake I am sure I would have lived to regret if I had allowed any "action" to take place with the "Action Reporter". VXA©
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