What is the difference between fraternities and street gangs or some motorcycle gangs ?
The fraternity guys are most likely from a wealthier family and possibly somewhat better looking. Other than that they are just more young men that had little to offer as individuals and had to band together with others to feel like they belonged to something bigger than themselves because on their own they were nothing special..It reminds me of kids with a tree house club that don't let certain other kids in so they can feel superior like they know a secret the others don't..The secret hand shakes and the initiations and the clandestine meetings behind closed doors are humorously reminiscent of the old "Honeymooners" episodes where Ralph Kramden belonged to the Royal Order of Raccoons ....In high school I was envious of the kids that were in those clubs but now I see how silly it really is..I remember as a college student I worked part time as a hostess at an Elks Club and at precisely eight o'clock every evening everyone who wasn't a member had to leave the room while the members all faced the stuffed Elk's head mounted on the wall and paid homage to it...I knew even then it was a hilarious ritual..I had to snicker to myself at the grown men who took this seriously and to think they were some of the city's leaders made me shudder. The fraternity members are just the same. People like that worry me.
The street gangs and bikers are probably no more dangerous and perhaps even less so because it is blatently obvious that they are usually up to no good...The fraternities on the other hand are surreptitiously infiltrating the government and other high offices where they can control those of us that "don't belong". It starts early, sometimes in the teens..Some of the members are chosen because their fathers or brothers were part of the group or because they are from an influential or affluent family or just because they are good looking..They rarely have any other attributes ,like thinking for themselves, otherwise they would not belong to such an absurd society. They rarely if ever have compassion and empathy for the underdogs of the world nor do they feel the need to expand their minds or their self sufficiency. They have been known to cruelly shun someone who might want to be part of their circle because they do not live up to the shallow standards of their so called elite group. I prefer to do my own thing and make friends from all walks of life and not feel that I have to be part of a snobby herd of spoiled sheep to be somebody. © VXA 2010
Great article addressing another of todays issues.