Millions homeless in the USA...Sky rocketing unemployment...People without enough food to eat or without necessary medicines or health care...While practically everything we buy is made in China or some other foreign land...and everytime we call "Customer Service" for any reason whether it be for our mortgage company or our cell phones or credit cards we are connected to someone in a foreign country..usually India, the Philippines or Mexico. The government talks of "creating jobs"...For starters why not just hire our own citizens to be customer service reps instead of outsourcing the jobs so the corporations can save money while starving their countrymen..or why not manufacture our goods here and not somewhere where labor is "cheaper" so the corporations can line their pockets while American families live in the woods. This country is in a crisis mode and it should be considered an act of treason to give a job to someone outside of our country that someone here can do..(By that I mean an American citizen NOT an illegal alien) This is America..We should take care of our own people first...We should only buy what is made in the USA and not outsource any jobs at all.
We always seem to be able to help other countries that are in need, ie. Haiti, but where is the money to help our poor and unemployed right here in this country?
And while I'm at it Americans should not have to be denied a job because they do not speak Spanish... English is the language of the USA...None of the other nationalities that form our melting pot had the luxury of continuing the usage of their native tongues at work or in school...At home they could speak what ever language they chose...They had to learn the English language to assimilate into our culture. That should not change..United we stand and divided we fall..Speaking two different languages in our country divides us.
Valerie X Armstrong 2011 ©
Thanks for expressing so eloquently how most of us feel.