If you would just substitute the word "fat " for "black", you'll see what I mean...Fat people are usually always thought of as lazy or smelly or stupid,or weak willed when in fact that is as much of a false stereotype as what is being said about the black person in the cartoon. There would be outrage if anyone were to speak to someone in a wheelchair or a gay person or a black person the way that fat people are spoken to...Sometimes the words aren't spoken aloud but many people think of a large person as "less than"..Some people have tried everything to lose weight and can't keep it off...I believe there are two kinds of fat people..There are some that can diet and lose weight because they over ate and gained weight as a result. I am not referring to those people in this article although they ,like any human beings, deserve kindness and respect...but there are others who don't eat a lot and still are big no matter what measures they take to be slim...They should not be treated as being guilty of something they did not do...Medical science does not know everything and so far there is no permanent "cure" for obesity. © 2011 VXA
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